Rules for protecting information about app users “Entries”
General provisions
1.1. These Rules are official document of the LIMITED LIABILITY company “of DOMONA”, INN: 7722409123, (hereinafter – the Application Administration), and define the order of processing and protection of information about individuals who use the services of the application of Stay (hereinafter – the Application) and its services (hereinafter – the User).
1.2. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure proper protection of information about users, including their personal data from unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.3. The relations related to the collection, storage, dissemination and protection of information about the users of the Application are regulated by these Rules, other official documents of the Administration of the Application and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.4. The current version of the Rules, which are a public document, is available to any Internet user when clicking on ссылке . The Administration of the Application has the right to make changes to these Rules. When making changes to the Rules, the Application Administration notifies users about this by posting a new version of the Rules at the permanent address no later than 10 days before the entry into force of the relevant changes. Previous versions of the Rules are stored in the archive of documentation of the Administration of the Application.
1.5. These Rules are developed and used in accordance with the Rules of Use of the Registration Application posted at адресу . If there are contradictions between these Rules and other official documents of the Administration of the Application, these Rules are subject to application.
1.6. By registering and using the Application, the User agrees to the terms of these Rules.
1.7. If the User does not agree with the terms of these Rules, the use of the Application and its services must be immediately terminated.
Terms of use of the Application
2.1. By providing services for the use of the Application and its services (hereinafter referred to as the Application Services), the Application Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User:
has all the necessary rights that allow him to register and use this Application;
indicates reliable information about himself in the amounts necessary to use the Services of the Application;
is aware that the information in the Application posted by the User about himself may become available to other Users of the Application and Internet users, may be copied and distributed by such users;
is aware that some types of information transmitted by him to other Users cannot be deleted by the User himself;
is familiar with these Rules, expresses its agreement with them and assumes the rights and obligations specified in them.
2.2. The Application Administration does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about users, except in cases when such verification is necessary in order for the Application Administration to fulfill its obligations to the user.
Purposes of information processing
The Application Administration processes information about Users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the obligations of the Application Administration to Users regarding the use of the Application and its services.
Composition of user information
4.1. Personal data of Users
Personal data of Users includes:
4.1.1. provided by Users and the minimum required for registration in the Application: first name, last name, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number and/or email address, city of residence;
4.1.2. provided by Users using the editing section of their pages In the Application (including marital status, date of birth, hometown, home address);
4.1.3. additionally provided by Users at the request of the Application Administration in order for the Application Administration to fulfill its obligations to Users arising from the Application Services Agreement. The Administration of the Application has the right, in particular, to request from the User a copy of an identity document or other document containing the User’s name, surname, photo, as well as other additional information that, at the discretion of the Administration of the Application, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such a User and will prevent abuse and violations of the rights of third parties.
4.2. Other User information processed by the Application Administration
The administration of the Application may also process other information about Users, which includes:
4.2.1. additional data obtained when accessing the Application, including data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Application (including the IP address of the host, the type of the user’s operating system, browser type, geographical location, Internet service provider, data from the address book, data obtained as a result of access to the camera, microphone, etc. devices), and subsequent User actions in the Application.
4.2.2. information automatically received when accessing the Application using bookmarks (cookies);
4.2.3. information created by users in the Application outside the page editing section (including statuses, created entries (“Entries”), photos, audio recordings, video recordings, comments, entries in discussions of group and personal chats);
4.2.4. information obtained as a result of User actions in the Application (in particular, information about joining a group (signing in) / leaving a group, adding other Users to the friends list, posting photos, taking part / refusing to participate in meetings, adding videos or photos, text materials);
4.2.5. information obtained as a result of actions of other users in the Application.
Processing of user information
5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the principles of:
a) legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
b) good faith;
c) compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes previously defined and declared when collecting personal data, as well as the powers of the Administration of the Application;
d) compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of personal data processing with the purposes of personal data processing;
e) the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.
5.1.1. Conditions and purposes of personal data processing
The Application Administration processes the user’s personal data in order to fulfill the contract between the Application Administration and the User for the provision of Application Services (clause 2.2 of the Application Terms of Use Вписки ). By virtue of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data”, the user’s separate consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. By virtue of p.p. 2 p. 2 of Article 22 of the said law, the Administration of the Application has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
5.1.2. Collection of personal data
The User’s personal data is collected in the Application during registration, as well as in the future when the user enters additional information about himself on his own initiative using the Application tools.
The personal data provided for in clause 4.1.1. of these Rules are provided by the User and are the minimum necessary during registration.
The personal data provided for in clause 4.1.2. of these Rules are additionally provided by the User on his own initiative using the “ed.” tab in the “My Profile” section.
5.1.3. Storage and use of personal data
Personal data of users is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except in cases when non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in connection with compliance with legal requirements.
5.1.4. Transfer of personal data
Personal data of Users is not transferred to any other third parties, except in cases expressly provided for by these Rules.
At the User’s instruction or with the User’s consent, it is possible to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties – contractors of the Application Administration, subject to the acceptance by such contractors of obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received, in particular when using applications.
In this case, the data is transmitted with the consent of the User, provided in the form of a definitive action when the application is first launched and/or used (in particular, when the corresponding button is pressed (if available). Users are obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules for the provision of services and the personal data protection policy of such third parties (developers) before using the relevant applications.